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The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words. Rei and Ki. Rei means supernatural force of spiritual intelligence and Ki means life energy. Thus Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy.

Treatments can be done in person or remotely. It may aid in helping illnesses, injuries and diseases. Reiki is very versatile and can be used to heal or improve any condition or difficulty.

While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a Religion. It has no dogma and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn or use Reiki. Reiki is compatible with all Religious paths and faiths.

Reiki (ray-key) is a natural healing technique that makes use of the laying on of hands. It originated in part with Ling Chi of the Chinese Taoists over 5000 years ago. Reiki was re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian minister in the 1800’s. During his 10 year quest he studied the teachings of Christ, and the sacred literature of Japan, China, India and Tibet.

Reiki I and Reiki II Classes Available

Reiki I-$150 for private class
$125 for groups of 3 or more
3 hours;

Reiki II-$175 for private class
$150 for groups of 3 or more
4 hours;

Reiki Master
Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
337 232-4799